Unfolding the Legacy

Let's scroll down to dive into the rich history, vibrant community, and lasting impact of the Wiki Loves Monuments UK Competition.

Documenting Heritage for the Global Stage

Wiki Loves Monuments UK forms an integral part of a global endeavor that transcends borders, aiming to document and preserve the tapestry of our world's cultural heritage. Every September, from 2013 to 2023 — except for the years 2015 and 2021 - the UK has proudly taken its place on this global stage. The initiative is not just about capturing images; it's a call to arms for local enthusiasts and photographers to explore and celebrate the historical narratives embedded within the stones and structures of their local monuments. Through their lenses, participants have not only contributed to the world's largest visual archive of built heritage on Wikimedia Commons but have also played a pivotal role in enhancing public access to the stories and significance of these cultural landmarks. This contest embodies the spirit of community and shared heritage, illustrating how individual contributions can collectively contribute to the global tapestry of human history.

Running for



Our Contributors as The Heart of Our Mission

At the core of Wiki Loves Monuments UK lies our vibrant community of 2,928 participants who have journeyed with us through this exploration of heritage. Each contributor, with their unique perspective and lens, has added a distinct hue to the mosaic of images that now grace Wikimedia Commons. From seasoned photographers to curious locals, our community is a testament to diversity and shared passion. By showcasing the diversity and dedication of our participants, we aim to inspire more individuals to join this movement, weaving their own threads into the ever-expanding narrative of cultural heritage preservation.

Contributed by



The Legacy of Our Collection on Preserving History

The essence of Wiki Loves Monuments UK extends beyond the act of documentation — it's about creating a lasting impact on how we perceive and engage with our cultural heritage. Through the collective effort of our participants, we've amassed an expansive collection of images that not only visualizes but also immortalizes the architectural marvels across the UK. Each photograph serves as a digital preservation of history, ensuring that future generations have the opportunity to witness and appreciate these monuments in their full glory.



Images Submission
Monuments Documented


Unique Locations


Monument Instance Types


UK Heritage Destinations

The Millennial Historical Timeline of UK's Monuments

The historical timeline represented in the Wiki Loves Monuments UK competition is not merely a chronicle of dates; it's a vivid canvas showcasing the evolution of a nation's identity etched in stone. From ancient ruins whispering tales of yore to edifices that stood witness to the turning tides of history, each submission in the competition represents a temporal landmark in the UK's vast historical landscape

Every documented monument contributes to a collective narrative, spanning eras of conquest, periods of enlightenment, and ages of innovation. The timeline does not just measure time; it measures the pulse of heritage through the enduring legacy of structures that have withstood the test of time. As you journey through the chronicles of our historical timeline, you are tracing the footsteps of ancestors, the genius of architects, and the resilience of societies that have contributed to the rich mosaic of British history